Weekly Summary of w/e the 12th on our ”Wilderness World” from Wild Navigator.
Every week Wild Navigator presents the top stories from the web. These stories are the highs and lows in the fields of wildlife travel, biodiversity conservation, climate change, sustainability, photography, scientific research, community initiatives, social media and events which make it to our highlights of this week’s ‘’Wilderness World’’.
We start by rounding up the week gone by with our ”Weekly Wilderness World’’.
1. Social Media explained with a Donut (Humorous Image)
This image has been circling on the web for sometime and presents most of all the social media sites defining their mission with an example of a Donut.
2. Travelllll.com announces the 5th #Edintravtweetup in Edinburgh
Travel blogging and media news site Travelllll.com announces the 5th Edinburgh Travel Tweet up. With help from Lezaan Roos of Travelllll.com and Kash Bhattacharya at the BudgetTraveller.org - Wild Navigator along with other fellow bloggers based in Edinburgh will be participating to organise the event. Venue will be at the famous Apex Waterloo Hotel - Edinburgh. Thanks to the Apex Waterloo Hotel team in hosting this event. We would like you to join us - Further Information on this event is at Travelllll.com
3. EIA Tiger Campaigner Debbie Banks speaks about her role in Tiger Conservation
Debbie Banks has been instrumental & dedicated for many years with her work at the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA). Heading their Tiger Campaign, she has safeguarded the plight of tigers future through her campaigning & spreading the message of the crisis / problems faced in the field of Tiger Conservation. A true Tiger Campaigner. Wild Navigator thanks Debbie for being a support / encouragement for many in the field of wildlife conservation.
4. NGOs (Non Governmental Organisations) kept out of Tiger Census - Times of India Reports
Carrying along with the Tiger Conservation focus - The Times of India reports on how the Indian state government officials have shut the door on NGOs but kept it open for individuals to participate in the phase IV tiger monitoring exercise beginning on Friday. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Centre for Wildlife Studies (CWS) are amongst the organisations that are denied permission to participate. Continue reading
5. Save the Great Indian Bustard Campaign
Last week we highlighted Corbett Foundation / The Kutch Ecological Research Centre’s petition to save the Great Indian Bustard from extinction on our ‘Wild Wednesday’ feature. The campaign has gathered momentum. More than 3000 people joined the campaign in less than 2 weeks and we thank all our readers that participated to the cause. The campaign is still very much active and they are looking for more signatures on their petition campaign - Join or invite your friends to participate.
Breaking News: Following the petition response - Forest officials have recommended increasing the Bustard sanctuary to 37 sq.km of protected area. Continue reading the Indian Express
6. No Donors to build crane information centre - Bhutan’s Kuensel online Reports
Plans to boost tourism in Bumdeling valley, Trashiyangtse, by opening a Black Necked Crane information centre has been stuck for a year now with no potential donors identified yet.
The centre will also provide illustration on physical features of the cranes so that tourists can identify the sex of the birds and adults from juveniles.
Continue reading …………
7. Wild Navigator Launches its Google + page
Since the launch of Google Plus last year, we have been active on Abhishek Behl’s account where we have over 720 + followers. Wild Navigator now launches its very new Wild Navigator Google + Page. We invite you to join us on our circles, discussions, video hangouts and lots more.
Add to your circles the Wild Navigator Google + Page
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