Wild Navigator’s Wild Picture of the Day or Twitter Hashtag #WildPic. Use hashtag #WildPic in your twitter tweets and we will everyday select one wilderness picture that will be featured on our site. Pictures need to be in theme of communities, conservation, ecology, sustainability, green message, environment, travel trends in wildlife travel / ecotourism, landscapes and adventure.
Today being Father’s Day nothing better to depict this day than showcasing one of nature’s unheard wild cat behaviour. This cat behaviour has never been seen or heard off where a male tiger nurtures his cubs. A perfect reflection of Father’s Day from the wilderness to make it to our Wild Picture of the Day (#WildPic).
Four months back, Ranthambhore National Park in the Indian state of Rajasthan witnessed two orphaned cub’s being looked after by a male tiger. This male tiger is commonly known as Zalim (aka Dollar and aka T-25) and cubs Bina 1 (aka 147) and Bina 2. This large male has opened up new chapters in studying tiger behaviour, practically unknown to tiger watchers, followers or experts. Zalim has been looking after his 2 cubs since their mother died in February of 2011. These cubs were then only 4 months old. He has successfully taught them territory marking, patrolling as well as taking down game. He has been captured on film, defending his cubs from a Tigress, facing her off and making sure that she poses no threat to his cubs.
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